Custom Events

Custom Events

Custom events allow developers to create their own events with names and options for the event to execute when fired. Custom events are useful when a developer wants certain things to happen around set parameters but can't find an existing event that works with said parameters.

Creating Custom Events

Creating a custom event works by using the even constructor CustomEvent(). This constructor has two parameters; eventType, which is the name of the event, and options, which is what is set to happen when the event fires.

Why Custom Events?

Like noted above, custom events exist simply because not everything a user can do on the internet has a pre-built event for it. An example would be if a developers wants something to happen when the user sends a message on the new live chat feature his site is introducing. Well there isn't a prebuilt event for that, so a custom event would need to be created.


To put it simply, custom events exist as a way to give developers more freedom to make their own specific events for specific needs. While it wouldn't necessarily be back breaking without them, it allows for a much higher level of interactivity for the users, which allows for a great UX.