06 PHP Frameworks Home

06 PHP Frameworks Home


Laravel is a PHP framework that has been around since 2011, the newest framework in this brief list. Several blogs, including kinsta.com and rollbar.com have Laravel as the top PHP framework. Included on Laravel's home page are several developer testimonials that support Laravel as well. Through Laravel a developer can manage their servers and PHP implementation as well as serverless execution of the Laravel infrastructure. Laravel has a massive ecosystem of different programs that allow developers to deploy Laravel in many different ways. All-in-all, it seems quite obvious why Laravel is the top choice for a PHP framework amongst developers.


CakePHP is a PHP framework that was developed in 2005. CakePHP allows for developers to construct prototypes quickly using code generation, as well as quick databse setups that don't require XML or YAML files. Like with other framworks, CakePHP also has a large library built in to allow developers quick and easy deployment of CakePHP. CakePHP has a massive community connection and has a large support team that is able to help developers whenever necessary, likely contributing to its popularity. CakePHP also has custom development that allows businesses to configure whatever they need to allow the framework to best suit their needs!


CodeIgniter is a PHP framework that was created in 2006. CodeIgniter's major selling points are its simplicty and quick implementation, having little to no configuration required to deploy its features. They also claim that CodeIgniter performs better than competing frameworks. Included on the website is a forum with many active discussions and a larget active userbase. This means that questions will likely be answered in a matter of minutes rather than hours or days, possibly speeding up troubleshooting. Becuase CodeIgniter has such a large userbase, it's quite easy to find support when desired, whether it be past forum posts or asking the questions yourself, problems won't take long to be solved!

To Summarize

Using a framework isn't required when deploying PHP into your website, but it is extremely helpful. Besides being designed for PHP implementation, the large userbases and helpful community make for a friendly environment to be in, as well as quick support. The three PHP frameworks above are all licensed by MIT under their open source license.