About Me

My Story

I have spent much of my life using technology and especially browsing the internet. As a kid, I would often mess with the developer tools not having a clue what I was doing. That's where my interest in web development started. For a while, however, I wanted to be a nurse for a career because the medical field always interested me and I felt helping people survive and recover in hospitals was the best way to do that.

Obviously that's not where I went with my life, instead deciding to pursue my childhood interest of web development. With my schooling coming to completion, I no longer just mess with developer tools on browsers. Instead, I am building pages and sites from the ground up and letting my creativity flow from VS Code to the browser you're reading this on and fulfilling my childhood desire of developing websites.


If you've clicked this far you would like to get to know me better. I work well with teams but I am also produtive while working alone. I can develop pages and sites directly through Git, FTP, or the use of a CMS like WordPress. I enjoy creating custom CSS and using frameworks such as Bootstrap to maximize UX. I believe that websites can be simple but appealing to look at and enjoyable to use. I've included my CV here for anyone to take a peak at if you wish to see my qualifications and experience.

Tools and Hardware I Use