Click here to be redirected to W3Schools home page.
The homepage of W3Schools sets the tone of a learning atmosphere immediately. Click most anywhere and it will be an incredible learning experience for the user. On the home page, according to W3C Validator, there are 4 warnings and 1 error. If you click on the "Learn HTML " button on the homepage, it will redirect you to a list of many topics. On this page, there are 5 warnings and 13 errors.
On a scale from 1 to 10, I would rate the site's appearance a solid 8. It looks alright but I can't say it's perfect by any means. As far as the usability goes, I'll give it a 9 out of 10. It's a pretty easy to navigate site with plenty of lables so you know where you're going.
As far as the site meeting its goals...
it absolutely does.
This site makes for a great reference for almost any coding topic. I have used it myself
many times to look and see what I needed to add to my code or how to word it.
I recommend it for anyone who codes, beginner or seasoned vet!