Reviewing and

More Fantastic Reviews by Justin!

Return Home is a website with an article that explains the purpose and use of website testing and reviewing by possible customers or users. According to the website, "Usability testing is a method of testing the functionality of a website, app, or other digital product by observing real users as they attempt to complete tasks on it."

User testing is important not only because it guages the audience and their desires, but it also guages how far along the creator is with their website or web page. The testing allows for the creator to take in advice and use their own desires to form what they believe to be the perfect website. This is where UI and UX come into play. It's important to have a good looking UI, but even the most appealing UIs can lead to confusing experiences. UX is the user experience, and without a positive review from users, it doesn't matter how the site looks because it's ineffective. And that's why testing is important.

Hotjar actually provides a list of 8 benefits to testing:

  1. Validate your prototype
  2. Confirm your product meets expectations
  3. Identify issues with complex flows
  4. Complement other data points
  5. Catch minor errors
  6. Develop empathy
  7. Get buy-in for change
  8. Provide a better UX
The above list, as well as the rest of the website, can be further reviewed by visiting the link above to

The next website is On this website, you can further dive into the topics examined on and get a second opinion on the matter. For the most part, these website share a common idea, explaining much of the same topics with little variation, so I feel it's unnecessary.

The Review

These websites both do the job by looking simple and appealing. But as far as looks go, I'd give the edge to looks a little better as far as layout goes and feels more enjoyable to view. On a scale, gets an 8/10 while gets a 7/10.

No with usability, both websites are simple to use with little confusion involved. Again, however, I have to give the edge to has a little more complexity when it comes to the naviagtion, but in a way that makes navigating the page easier. On a scale, I'll give a 9/10 while I give an 8/10.