
Progressively Improving Reviews by Justin!

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ROBLOX is an online, free-to-play game that has been around since 2005. It's front page (for non-registered users) is a signup page, but for those who already have an account and are logged in takes them to their home page. ROBLOX is not known for its website as that's only part of the project, but without a decent website and signup page, users may not be interested or feel safe signing up for an account. So let's jump into the signup page!

ROBLOX's signup page has a few different inputs that are used. For the birthday, instead of using a date-time text input, it uses three dropdown selection boxes; one for the year, month, and day. Then there is a text input for a username followed by one for a password, then two buttons for gender.


Validation through W3C Validator (check previous reviews for the link) shows a plethora of errors and warnings present on the signup page. However, a quick review of most of the warnings and errors shows that most are just picking out redundant information or text, mostly related to the javascripts present in the code (there were 100 total). Upon logging in (or creating an account), you are brought to your account's home page. The validator once again finds a bunch of errors and warnings, but, just like before, most of them are just for redundant attributes or tags (there were 142 total).

The Review's website and signup page serves its purpose. It allows you to quickly and easily sign up for a ROBLOX account and get to playing. The site's design has always been pleasing to me. While I do prefer the old design because of its simplicity (I've been playing ROBLOX for over 10 years), I must say that they still do an excellent job making navigation easy while remaining appealing. 9/10.

The usability, just as mentioned before, is excellent. Navigating the site is quite simple with all the sections labeled at the top, including some dropdown selections as well. 9/10.