Portfolio Showcase - Supporting Documents

Target Audience?

The target audience are students and faculty at NWTC who are interested in the Portfolio Showcase. The chosen design was to be reminiscent of the color scheme of NWTC itself, while having some newer color choices to hint at the difference and creativity present at the showcases in the past!

There are also galleries present on the Archives page that help illustrate what the past showcases were like for those who couldn't attend, giving newer people an insight as to what to expect when attending.

What's the Message?

The overall message of the site is to get visitors interested in the NWTC Portfolio Showcase. The design echoes that message by being simply laid out and drawing users into diving further into the page. Want to see the programs involved? There's a link for that. Want to see the past showcases? There's a link for that. Want to get in contact with someone involved? There's a link for that. All of the previous have links in multiple areas so the user has ample opportunity to find out more!

What's the Goal?

The goal of the site is to inform people about the upcoming portfolio showcase. The site accomplishes this goal by having the date and location laid out front and (almost) center on several pages. There are also explanations and pictures present on several pages that are meant soleley to grab the user's attention and draw them into clicking on more links.

The Call To Action

The call to action's on the page are several links that are meant for the user to click on to learn more about what's going on. There are also galleries that are mentioned that are (mostly) invisible to the user upon first glance. That's why there's a call to action informing the user that those images are clickable and lead to a gallery that the user can click through and view, each image having a description that tells which showcase it's from and what's happening.

Design Summary

The layout is pretty simple. The nav at the top that is always on screen for users to have quick and easy access to. The content laid out (mostly) in cards so that it's easier to decipher what is for what section of content. An aside that gives the user more nav options (on some pages) and also describes when and where the upcoming showcase is happening. Then, finally, there's the footer which is pretty standard.

The color choices were meant to mimic those of NWTC itself while also including some newer colors that stand out more. This was meant to inspire some creativity and have the user understand what the showcase is all about: showcasing creativity.

The typography is chosen to have a clear and laid out idea that's easy to read and understand for the user. If the user has trouble reading the content, then all functionality is lost. It's simple for a reason.

Closing Statement

Overall, this website serves one purpose: advertising the Spring 2022 NWTC Portfolio Showcase. Does it do that job? Maybe. I can't say for sure. What I can say is that the choices made were to benefit the chances of fulfiling that goal. For those reading this, I have on brief statement to make: Thank you.