WET 2023 - R & D 03

Serverless Hosting

What Is Serverless Hosting?

Serverless hosting is not necessarily outright function without a server, rather the use of a third party cloud provider that allocates resources on behalf of the user.

Why Use It?

The serverless model is beneficial for small teams that don't have the resources necessary to run their own servers and allocate their own data. Essentially speaking, the service is meant to handle requests automatically without human interaction which makes it time and money saving for developers.

AWS Labmda

According to their website, "AWS Lambda is a serverless, event-driven compute service that lets you run code for virtually any type of application or backend service without provisioning or managing servers." Their services are connected to the many Amazon APIs and databases that contain loads of information that can trigger Lambda.

Google Cloud Functions

Similar to AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions allows developers to upload code to the cloud without the need for servers to manage and patch. According to their website, "Functions automatically scale and are highly available and fault-tolerant.Cloud Functions are great for building serverless backends, doing real-time data processing, and creating intelligent apps."


There are plenty of serverless hosting options to choose from. It's a fantastic option for small teams or independent developers who need hosting and don't have the resources necessary to run their own server(s). It's also very affordable and often priced by scale, meaning the less traffic, the less it costs. This means that you'll only ever need to pay for what you need. It's simple, affordable, and a time-saving venture.